Afema Gold Project Overview
The Afema Project is located in southeast Cote d’Ivoire on the Ghanian border 120kms east of Abidjan and is serviced by a new bituminised major highway that is nearing completion, connecting Abidjan to Ghana. Two of Cote d’Ivoire’s major hydro-power schemes are located adjacent to the northern part of the Afema Project area.
The Afema Project is on a granted mining permit supported by a Mining Convention between permit owner, Afema Gold SA, and the State of Cote d’Ivoire.
The Mining Permit covers an area of 227km2 and has been subject to past exploration and drilling. The Mining Permit was granted in December 2013 and is valid until December 2033, with a 20-year renewal option thereafter. Turaco has lodged four exploration permit applications over a further 1,040km2 of contiguous exploration ground, providing a total project area of 1,267km2.
Historic small-scale mining was undertaken along the Afema Shear during the 1990’s and it is reported that 125,000 ounces of gold were produced before ceasing in 1998 when the gold price was ~US$300/ounce. A significant amount of drilling has since delineated gold mineralisation along this +25km Afema Shear within the Mining Permit area.
The most recent work undertaken was by Teranga Gold Corporation (‘Teranga’) which had entered into a joint venture with Sodim in 2018. Teranga was acquired by Endeavour in February 2021 and no drilling has been carried out since.
The vast majority of work undertaken by Teranga was focussed at Woulo Woulo where initial drilling led to a significant new discovery and was immediately followed up with resource definition drilling. In total Teranga drilled 39,000m of DD core across 283 holes and 20,300m of RC drilling across 347 holes. In addition, Teranga collected 23,200 soil samples across portions of the Exploration permit Application area which defined several high tenor coherent anomalies that remain untested.
Prior to work undertaken by Teranga, an unlisted company Taurus Gold Ltd, undertook 78,500m of drilling (combined RC and DD for 1,200 holes to average depth 65m) along the Afema Shear.